Spring Lawn Weeds in Ohio & What to Do About Them

Do you feel like spring weeds in Ohio are causing chaos in your lawn?

With warmer weather and increased precipitation, spring lawn weeds in Ohio may proliferate. Sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere, they start to appear. One day your lawn seems to be in good shape and then, before you know it, weeds have spread everywhere.

But it doesn’t take much for weeds to grow and spread. A few warm days, a little rain and now you have a full-blown problem on your hands.

There are 10 common spring weeds in Ohio that tend to cause quite a few problems in our region. We call them “Mayhem 10” because they can wreak havoc on your lawn.

The “Mayhem 10” includes:

1. Dandelions
2. White clover
3. Wild violets
4. Corn well
5. Crab
6. Hairy bittercress
7. Lesser celandine
8. nutsedge
9. Black doctor
10. chickweed

These 10 weeds can be a great source of frustration. Fortunately, there are solutions. With the right weed control plan of attack, you can prevent weed chaos from taking over your lawn!

The Mayhem 10: Ohio Lawn Weeds Go Crazy

While this is not an exhaustive list of spring weeds in Ohio, these 10 are particularly problematic. The first step in tidying up your lawn is diagnosing what you’re dealing with.

Here’s a lineup for Mayhem 10.

1. Dandelions

Dandelions are common meadow flowers from the sunflower family. They have a “cute name” derived from the irregular appearance of their leaves (resembling a dandelion). However, these pesky weeds are anything but cute! Dandelions can become an eyesore and also affect the growth of your lawn by establishing deep roots and competing for nutrients.

dandelion flower

2. White clover

White clover is a perennial plant with a shallow root system. It grows close to the ground and spreads quickly. Large expanses of white clover will crowd out desired lawns, leaving an empty spot when it dies back later in the season.

white clover

3. Wild violets

Wild violets can be one of the most difficult weeds to control in lawns. While the bright purple flower appears small and delicate, Wild Violet is quite aggressive and can produce thick mats of leaves that end up starving the rest of the lawn of nutrients.

wild violets in the grass

4. Corn Speedwell (aka Veronica)

This is another aggressive grower. Characterized by a four-petaled blue or white flower and a heart-shaped pod, Veronica is considered difficult to control and incredibly invasive.

corn pit

5. Crab

This weed is aggressive and difficult to control. It grows in clumps and can invade large areas of lawn, particularly where they could be thinned out. The crab has also been known to cause chaos in areas of the lawn that have been torn up by a lawnmower. Thrives in the sun.

Crabgrass along pavement edge

6. Hairy bittercress

This annual weed is a member of the mustard family. It is known to spread quickly. The leaves of Hairy Bittercress are slightly scalloped and small white flowers develop at the ends of its stems.


7. Lesser celandine

Also known as “buttercup,” this low-growing, mat-forming weed is an invasive perennial. It is most often found in wooded, moist areas, but can also appear in grass. It performs best in partial sun but is adaptable, allowing it to spread out.

lesser celandine

8. nutsedge

This grass is sometimes also called “nutgrass.” It reproduces through underground tubers called “nuts”, which is where its name comes from. It is a herbaceous perennial that prefers moist areas of the lawn and can grow quickly in warm, humid climates. It can be particularly difficult to control and requires special products.


9. Black doctor

This broadleaf weed has heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It is sometimes confused with clover until its flowers turn yellow. It can be controlled by spot treatment of areas with broadleaf weed control.

black doctor

10. chickweed

This weed is identified by its small white flowers and egg-shaped leaves. It can spread quickly and grows close to the ground. Chickweed does best in the shade and can grow in thick mats.


Say goodbye to chaos and regain control of your garden

If chaos is ensuing with Ohio lawn weeds, you’ll want to take back control.

Spring lawn weeds can be difficult to control, but with the right approach, they can be effectively combatted. When you invest in lawn care in Cincinnati, Dayton, OH, and Northern Kentucky, you can begin to line up these invaders.

That doesn’t mean you’ll never see weeds again. Even the best lawn care programs cannot account for changes in Mother Nature. However, an effective program will help you see fewer weeds over time. This includes using different weed control products at different times of the year. How you deal with spring lawn weeds will be different than other weeds that appear at different times.

Lawn care technician sprays weeds

There are also some steps you can take yourself. While the most effective way to control lawn weeds in spring is through an expert lawn care service that combines expertise with professional weed control products, there are also some things you can do on your own to control weeds. weeds.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind.

  • Cut at least 3.5 inches. Grass grows best when maintained at the maximum recommended height. A healthier lawn will help eliminate weeds naturally.
  • Do not cut the scalp at the edges. Weeds thrive in thinner areas and along hard landscaped areas where grass has been accidentally torn up.
  • Keep your lawn well watered. The healthier your lawn is, the more natural control you will have over weeds.
  • Sow thinner areas in the fall. Once again, a thick, healthy lawn is the best natural defense against weeds.

Choosing Lawn Care in Cincinnati, Dayton, OH, and Northern Kentucky

Certainly, some approaches to weed control are better than others. Time, as mentioned above, is a critical factor. While some companies will apply products when it is most convenient for them to apply them, at Oasis Turf & Tree we check soil temperatures throughout our service region to ensure we place the product when it is most effective.

Once the time is right to start, we also take a proactive approach, using different products throughout the season and making modifications when necessary. We also invest in high-quality, professional-grade products that will ultimately be the most effective and therefore provide our customers with the most value for their investment.

Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach to lawn weeds in Ohio and Northern Kentucky, we adjust our products and program as needed throughout the season.

It is important that you hire a lawn care company that knows what they are doing. There is a lot to understand when it comes to formulations and application times of weed control products. It is also important that lawn care technicians are properly trained and have a great knowledge of what they are doing.

When you make this wise decision, you can control the chaos and restore order to your Ohio or Northern Kentucky home.

If you’d like to learn more about the lawn care programs we offer in Dayton, OH, Cincinnati, or Northern Kentucky, request your quote, help us find the right program for you, and then sit back and relax knowing you’ve made a wise choice. .

Check out our lawn care programs and costs!

Image source: white clover, wild violet, corn veronica, bittercress, lesser celandine, nutsedge, black doctor, chickweed

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