What Does A Face Toner Do and Are They Really Necessary??

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With the increasing number of skin care products on the market today, many of us are wondering which ones are truly useful and which ones might be an unnecessary step and unnecessary expense. Today, let’s delve into the potential benefits of facial toners and determine once and for all if this second step in your beauty routine really is vital for healthy skin.

Toners are one of those skin care products that many people wonder if they really do anything. In fact, I’ve questioned their importance myself, which is why I decided to do some research and finally find out if they are more than just refreshing spritzers that smell good.

Originally, toners were absolutely necessary because cleansers had such a high pH. To restore the skin’s pH after harsh cleansers, a product that had a neutral pH was needed. Also acne-prone skin types were often recommended alcohol-based toners in an attempt to dry out oil and kill bacteria.

Most skin care companies have decided to create such harsh cleansers and use alcohol as an acne treatment, and many of today’s toners contain beneficial ingredients that can be helpful in achieving healthy-looking skin. Wait, what about the rest of your skincare routine? Many times, serums, eye treatments, and moisturizers are the ultimate skincare goals, which begs the question: Do we really need a toner on top of everything else?

What is a toner?

First, let’s discuss what a toner actually is. Toners come in many varieties, but at a very basic level, a toner contains an astringent that will restore the skin’s pH balance and encourage pores to close. They may contain ingredients that address specific skin concerns, such as tea tree oil for acne-prone skin or alpha hydroxy acids to combat aging. Hydrosols such as rose water can be added to soothe and hydrate the skin.

Some toners claim to simply “refresh” the skin, others hydrate the skin, and still others treat skin problems. However, there is one benefit that often sets toners apart from other skin care products. Wet skin is much more permeable than dry skin. What does this mean? It means that when your skin is moist after applying a toner, your other skincare products will be able to penetrate deeper. Using a toner can be very beneficial if you want to get the most out of your facial serums, creams and oils.

Before you run out of toner, remember to always look for an alcohol-free toner. Some toners may still have high concentrations of alcohol. Alcohol-based toners are harsh and will irritate and dry the skin over time. Alcohol could be harmful to sensitive skin. Always check the ingredients. Harsh ingredients defeat the purpose of a skin toner.

Related Post: Skin Benefits of Witch Hazel

What does facial toner do?:

Turns out there are quite a few benefits to using a facial toner…

  • By using a cotton pad and gently gliding it over your skin after cleansing, the toner picks up dirt, makeup, dead skin cells, and excess oil that the cleanser may have left behind.
  • Toners with active ingredients such as botanical extracts, aloe, essential oil, hyaluronic acid, hydrosols or glycerin will provide extra hydration to the skin.
  • When sprayed onto the skin after applying makeup, some toners can set your makeup!
  • The toner stabilizes the skin’s pH.
  • Using a toner can reduce the appearance of pores.
  • A toner can help control oily skin.
  • Depending on the ingredients, toners can brighten the skin.
  • If a toner is rich in antioxidants, it can help fight free radicals.
  • A hydrating toner can increase the moisturizing capacity of a facial serum or oil.
  • Toners can soothe sensitized and irritated skin and may help speed healing.
  • Improvement of uneven skin tone and will be experienced.

How to use a facial toner:

Toning is an important part of a skin care regimen. Toners are intended for daily use. How you use a toner depends on the type of toner you choose.

Toning the skin always occurs directly after cleansing and before serums, facial oils or moisturizers. After using a facial cleanser, a toner can be applied with a cotton ball or cotton pad and gently wiped over the skin to pick up any makeup, oil, and dirt that may be left over from the cleanser. You can also spray a toner directly on the skin, skipping the use of a cotton pad.

If you are using an exfoliating toner or a toner meant to lighten the skin, a cotton round is necessary for best results. To ensure that the product helps eliminate bacteria left over from the face wash, you can only sweep the toner over your skin with a soft object that can wipe away impurities. When ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C, glycolic acid, lactic acid, or salicylic acid are present, you’ll want to use a cotton ball to make sure the toner doesn’t get into your eyes.

Many toners intended simply to hydrate the skin can and should simply be sprayed directly onto the skin before using a serum or moisturizer. This technique is incredibly gentle and also a refreshing way to “wake up” your skin.

Related Post: Homemade Toning Wipes

What is the difference between toners and serums?

This is a question that only you can answer after inspecting your products. Many times a toner contains similar ingredients to a serum. Doubling up on ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids and acne-clearing scrubs can be harmful. Using a toner and serum that claim to do the same thing can also be a waste of money, even if the ingredients are gentle enough to use twice.

It is advisable to keep in mind that toners may be redundant if you use a serum. However, the additional benefits of a toner may be helpful for your particular skin type. Especially considering that damp skin is better able to absorb serums.

Related Posts: The Benefits of Using Apple Cider Vinegar as a Toner

Toner ingredients to avoid:

  • Fragrances: Artificial fragrances are a big NO in my opinion. They are harmful to the overall health of your body and can affect your hormones.
  • Alcohol-alcohol is incredibly harsh and drying and should never be used to “dry” oily skin. Drying out oily skin will only cause an imbalance that will cause even more problems.
  • Phthalates and parabens: Both are inexpensive preservatives and toxic to the body.
  • Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is often used in acne treatment products and is usually too strong for most skin types.
  • Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is also strong and a very common exfoliant that tends to do more harm than good.

How to make homemade toner:

Making your own toner is one of the easiest skin care things you can do. Not to mention, you can easily customize it to suit your specific skin type! The key ingredients in a homemade toner are witch hazel and hydrosol. By making your own toner, you can control exactly what is in the product, ensuring you only use natural ingredients.

I usually use equal parts of witch hazel and hydrosol or aloe vera and I recently posted a recipe that uses hyaluronic acid in a toner. I have also experimented with adding color to a toner using a few drops of chlorophyll or infusing hibiscus into the toner creating a pretty pink tone.

As for preserving your water-based toner, I prefer to use a natural preservative called Leucidal liquid. It is gentle on the skin and safe to use in organic formulations.

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Possible ingredients in DIY toners:

  • Water
  • Herbs tea
  • witch hazel
  • Hydrosols
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Essential oils
  • aloe vera
  • Glycerin
  • Botanical Extracts
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Salicylic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Glycolic Acid

Homemade Toner Recipes:

My personal opinion on the use of toners:

Honestly, I’ve always wondered if toners were necessary and often omitted them from my routine. The conclusion I’ve come to is that toners can really enhance what the rest of your skincare routine should do simply because they make the skin more permeable. With all the amazing benefits a toner can have on your skin, toners can be an integral part of your daily routine.

If you don’t use a serum, toner is definitely a worthwhile investment. However, if you are an avid whey user, there is a good chance you are doubling down on products that essentially do the same thing and it would be wise to check the ingredients and benefits claimed in both products.

In conclusion, if you are looking to simplify your skincare routine and need to skip a step or two, toner would be that step. However, toner is not a useless product and a well-formulated toner, whether store-bought or self-made, can be a useful and lovely addition after cleansing. After all, the benefits of a toner alone are pretty impressive.

xx, jenni

PS: I offer a toner in my Etsy store if you are interested: find it HERE. It’s a popular seller and smells amazing. I use it every morning before using my Fast absorbing day oil because I can say that it really helps with oil absorption. I reserve my Anti-wrinkle hyalruonic acid serum for night use and skip the toner then.

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