The Leafy Dilemma: How Long Can Leaves Stay on Grass?

Many of us welcome the fall season. The cooler temperatures and bright colors of the foliage are a welcomed change from the heat of summer. Even leaves that have fluttered across the grass can inspire a cozy atmosphere. Personally, every fall I get nostalgic remembering childhood games that inevitably ended with jumping over piles of raked leaves.

Now, as an adult, I look at the blades on my lawn a little differently. After a few weeks they become a subtle reminder that there is work to do. Raking leaves to improve the appearance of your yard is a chore that many homeowners can relate to.

But it is not just a question of aesthetics. Letting fallen leaves accumulate can also have undesirable consequences for your lawn come spring.

Let’s explore the effect of the fallen leaves of the fall season on your lawn, how often you should address the problem, and your options for removing leaves.

How long can leaves stay on grass?

While a few days of leaves on your lawn may not pose an immediate problem, it is a good idea to address them within a week or two, depending on the thickness of the leaf layer and the specific weather conditions in your area.

Determining how long leaves can remain on the grass depends on a few factors:

Thick or thin layer? A single layer of leaves will not damage your lawn. Once you have several layers stacked up, that’s when you should start thinking about removing them.

Wet or dry leaves? If you have received heavy rain recently, you should make the effort to clean up fallen leaves as soon as possible. Wet leaves can become caked and impede airflow, as well as encourage fungal growth that can damage your lawn.

Will you ever be able to let the leaves sit on your lawn?

Unless circumstances prevent it, fallen leaves that are left undisturbed (not mulched) should not be allowed to accumulate on the lawn. If you have leaves covering more than 20% of your lawn, you could be asking for trouble.

However, a thin layer of leaves (less than 10% coverage) can insulate grass roots from freezing temperatures in the winter months, especially if you haven’t had time to apply mulch in the fall.

Read our related post “To Mulch or Not to Mulch: Can Leaves Mulching Kill Grass?” here.

What can happen if you leave leaves on the grass?

If a thick and/or wet layer of leaves on your lawn is left unattended, you can have several problems come spring.

  1. Potentially smothering new grass growth and causing bare patches that will need to be reseeded.
  2. Increase insect and rodent activity that can kill existing grass.
  3. Encourage fungal diseases that could destroy your lawn if left untreated.

Read our related post “How long does it take for leaves to decompose?” here.

How often should leaves be cleaned in the fall?

As a general rule, you should try to clean up fallen leaves every three to four days, if possible.

But it’s okay to do it once a week, say every Saturday or Sunday, if your schedule is tight. Make it a designated activity that you take care of first and then relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

If you are cleaning the leaves manually, it is important to dispose of them properly. Please follow the City of Newmarket’s advice by placing them in the correct bins!

The 3 Best Ways to Clean Lawn Leaves

You have several options for taking care of that accumulation of leaves and it may not be a bad idea to change them, since leaf removal will need to be done weekly.

1. Leaf blower

In my opinion, this is the easiest option for the average homeowner and very affordable. You can buy a decent corded leaf blower at a home improvement store for only $80 to $100, while gas-powered leaf blowers cost $150 to $400 or more. It may be a bit of money to shell out, but you will certainly find it worth the expense.

2. Rake

leaf rake removal

Never rule out the old-fashioned option of raking leaves by hand. It’s free (beyond the cost of a rake), it’s great outdoor exercise, and you’ll find it satisfying in a way that blowing leaves is not. Plus, for the young (and the young at heart), you’ll have the benefit of a huge pile of raked leaves to jump over!

3. Lawn Vacuum (Commercial Option)

vacuum leaf removal

You can always rent a lawn vacuum machine for a few hours to clean up the leaves. This will cost you anywhere from $50 to over $100 for a day rental.

If you simply don’t have the time, ability or inclination to rake or blow leaves, there are always local landscaping companies that will be happy to remove the leaves by vacuuming with a large vacuum and machine. It’s a bit pricey though, averaging between $35 and $100 per hour, plus a small removal fee.

For one thing, leaves will be completely removed from your property, while leaf blowing tends to remove them only on the outskirts. Plus, you don’t have to go to the extra trouble of bagging leaves after raking them!

Can I mulch leaves with my lawnmower?

Saving the best option for last (pun intended)! Consider mulching leaves with your lawn mower instead of removing them. Mulching leaves offers two main benefits:

  1. Mulching the leaves and allowing them to degrade naturally will feed your lawn and give it a boost in the spring.
  2. You don’t need any special equipment other than your lawnmower (although you can purchase specialized blades if you wish).
  3. Applying mulch is much faster than raking, allowing you to keep up with the season’s leaf fall.

Tips for covering leaves with your lawn mower

  • Remove the bag from your lawnmower (unless you want to spread the mulch in a different area).
  • Adjust the deck height to 4” to avoid clogging the blades.
  • Do not attempt to apply mulch if the blade depth is greater than 16”.
  • Make several passes – the smaller the leaf pieces left, the faster they will decompose and feed your lawn.

We hope this article has given you some options and incentives for removing leaves this fall. Although the beauty of colorful autumn leaves falling from the sky is truly one of nature’s masterpieces, it is best not to skip the maintenance that goes hand in hand with the landscape.

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